The Potteries Collection - Upcycled Pottery Shard Jewellery
Initially inspired by shards found in the Potteries in Staffordshire, this collection has grown to include pottery from all over the UK, including Wales, Shrophshire, Derbyshire, Cornwall, and London along the Thames.. Finding broken china or pottery shards evokes a sense of curiosity - Who made the original vessel? How did it get here? By upcycling these shards into jewellery, there is a chance to connect with the original makers, retelling their story.
Upcycled Pottery Shard Jewellery offers you a unique way to express your individual sense of style and speaks to a love of the outdoors - from walks in the countryside or along the seashore, from gardening, to a love of pottery or adventure, These shards were often found by me and my family as we immersed ourselves in the UK outdoors on adventures. Pottery shard jewellery also makes a great 2nd, 9th and 20th wedding anniversary gift, given the tradional and modern gift themes for those years of pottery, bone china and willow.
The Industrial Revolution Collection - Upcycled Iron Scoria Glass Jewellery
To me, scoria glass, also known by a more errrr, rude name - slag glass, is like an industrial pearl. Once manufactured across Europe to make household items from vases to Tiffany lamps, scoria glass is a by-product of smelting a metal, such as iron. In contrast, this scoria glass jewellery collection originated from Industrial Scoria found near the base of the Ironbridge Gorge, and has quickly grown to include Scoria unearthed in Staffordshire along the Trent and Mersey Canal. It comes from blast furnaces, and often dates to the 1700-1800s.
Forging a true connection to the Industrial Revolution and British Heritage, it makes a sentimental keepsake gift for those wanting to express strength, or with a connection to British Industry and also makes a creative 3rd or 6th wedding anniversary gift given the gift themes of glass and iron for those years..
Beside the Sea Collection - Upcycled Sea Glass Jewellery
Focusing on sea glass from Wales and Seaham (once the location of the world's largest glass factory), as well as some pieces from Cornwall and other places in Europe, it has recently grown to include river glass found in Shropshire. Upcycling Sea Glass offers you a punch of colour that almost seems to be light from within. All Unearthed Sea Glass is set into Fine Silver so it won't tarnish, ensuring your sea glass will stay bright over time.
Sea Glass Jewellery is a great keepsake gift for those with a connection to the sea or the beach. It can evoke memories of holidays beside the sea and makes a great 3rd or 11th year anniversary gift given the themes of glass and jewellery for those years.
Recycled Silver Collection - Recycled Silver Jewellery
Unearthed tries to work with recycled sterling silver, called Ecosilver, and also unearths bits of silver, gold and copper from time to time. This collection tries to utilise these scraps and make a wearable, eco-friendly product for you to wear.
Recycled Silver, Copper and Gold jewellery makes a creative 7th, 9th, 11th, 14th or 25th wedding anniversary gift, given the modern and traditional gift themes for those years.
Bottle Collection - Unearthed Glass and Ceramic Bottles
Whilst unearthing pottery shards, sea glass and scoria glass, several antique bottles have been unearthed. I've developed a fascination with the history behind these bottles, particularly ones with writing on them. In response to popular demand, this collection has been added to Unearthed by Lynn's offerings.